Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love Bird's GIVEAWAY

I'm so excited to be doing my FIRST giveaway! 

I'm a sucker for love story's... so in honor of Valentine's Day I wanted to do a {giveaway} for one lucky couple. 

i'm not a strict on what qualifies you for this session, whether your a new couple and need engagements or a seasoned couple and would like some fresh new photo's of you and your man... all you need is a love story! :)


If there is a good response I'll consider doing a Family Session Giveaway next month {let me know if you'd be interested in something like that:}


Amanda said...

Will you fly to California? ;-)

Megs said...

I would love for you to do a family session giveaway! But if not, I would go for this love birds session, too. I love your photography - who would have known in english 201 that you were so talented at this?! :) And...well...you know all about Tim & I and our family, so I don't think I need to comment about that ;)

Holly said...

Does it count if he's a little man? He's the best thing in the world and he turns 5 this week! Who knew I could love a person as much as I love him? Five years went by too fast, but at the same time - it feels like I've never been without him! :)

Lacey Jay said...

Amanda: I so wish I could come to Cali!!! I lived there for four years and loved it! I miss it:)

Meg: Thanks for commenting:) I'll definitely let you know if I do a family giveaway, your family would be perfect:)

Holly... Hi. The deadline was the Feb 13th :( but yes it's count if he's a little man! I have two little one of my own and I think their 'love' stories are just as neat as the rest:) It would let me click to see your blog to get to know you and your little man:( but I hope your V-day treats you both well!