Monday, May 9, 2011

{true] Love {story}

Meet Travis & Britt! The two little ones are Britt's kids Spencer & Jake.... Now Britt & Trav's kids:) She has quite the story and because it's her story I will leave out the details. I will say she deserves this picture and everything it reflects: Mom, DAD, two sweet little boys and love.  She is one of my sister's dear friends and is someone I had the pleasure of meeting yrs ago and just connected with right off the bat! She is amazing, strong and dedicated to her children. I got to meet this amazing man that has come into there lives and not only is Trav lucky to have those three but Britt is also so lucky to have a guy like Trav! I wish your family the best of luck and I'm so excited to be apart of your story and taking your pictures!!!!

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