Wednesday, January 26, 2011

{Jordon & Rachel}

Sheesh! This wedding was almost a month ago.... So sorry it's taken me so long J&R! With Christmas, hosting family and then unfortunately my youngest son having an accident that put him in the hospital for a few days, this wedding hasn't gotten posted. Ugh! Life, I tell ya. My son is now so awsomely doing better so I have a moment to post one of my favorite couples........

You may remember them from their groomals that I did a little bit ago... their wedding was a few days after Christmas and well it was a day to remember for everyone:) I have never driven in an actual blizzard until that day. I'm soo glad my hubby came along, I would have driven myself into a ditch with all the other cars we passed. Normally I would have never even attempted to drive in this weather however it was my couples wedding day and that was worth a try. Along with their family and friends, we all made our way down to Manti with a prayer in our hearts. At some points we literally couldn't see the road in front of us, however the Lord got everyone there okay:) No one died which some of us thought we might:) haha.

It was bitter cold! I mean seriously in the teens with a fierce, fierce wind that made your bones shake. Can I just tell you how big of troopers this couple was?! I would have cried if this happened on my wedding day because their was NO way we could get the typical wedding day temple pictures with the amount of snow on the ground and the wind... however the bride just laughed as we attempted it and said "this is Crazy!" I honestly admired her so much! She was glowing and so in love, you would have no known the weather surrounding her:) So even though we didn't capture the 'typical' pictures, they got some unique ones that definitely have a story to tell:) This couple was so positive and in love and just as I said while doing their groomals, they are one of the funniest couples I've ever done. They kept everyone laughing. They genuinely enjoyed their day and everyone that was there. They were madly in love and the way Jordon looked at her made you think no one else was in the room. And I'll be honest church house reception's are generally not my favorite soley because their is little you can do to get good lighting in there (it's always has a yellow tint) however they did such an amazing job decorating that space, it was probably the prettiest church reception I've ever seen! I loved the colors and style!

It was a pleasure to be apart of their big day! Congrats Mr & Mrs {D}

1 comment:

Shayne said...

Lacey, as the Father of the Bride, I couldn't be more pleased with how you captured this fun event for us. That you would face a blizzard and trudge around in the snow and then do such a great job at the reception is really appreciated. Thanks for helping us remember in such a professional way what a fun, crazy and special time we had!