Sunday, December 19, 2010


Meet Jordon & Rachel... Rachel is the little sister of my cute hubby's highschool sweetheart:) Oh la la! Her name is Kristen and we ADORE her!  She kept my Seth out of trouble in highschool so for that I am forever indebted and liked her right from the start:) haha.  She referred her mom & sister to my work and they choose me to be Rachel wedding photographer! Weddings are my favorite!  I have two this winter and even though we got a taste during this shoot of how FREEZING it's going to be on the big day, I'm so excited and so blessed to have people invest in my work!  Rachel has to be one of the funniest brides I've ever shot. She was cracking up the whole time, which made me instantely comfortable around her... And jordon well he's in love with Rachel... no doubt about that. Just watching him watch her, made me smile. They were both troopers in the cold and the whole bull incident... yes we made our way out to a lovely barn in the field where we started to get some shots when a BULL came out from behind the barn... we all laughed nervously and continued... well after a few minutes he decided he didn't like us there and charged us.. a wee bit scary is an understatement.  We decided the pretty barn wasn't worth it and clamly left the field:) haha.  I've gotten clients stung by bee's and now charged by a bull, I should have a disclamer! 

This is just a SMALL portion of my favorites... so many shots turned out. So I thought I'd share. I am so HAPPY for you Rachel & Jordon!

.... and if this couple wasn't cute enough... he proposed ON A STAGE DURING A CHOIR CONCERT at their college!

Now that's a proposal!



Marquette LaRee Photography said...

These are wonderful and beautiful. I love them all!

Kristen M said...

LOVE them!!