Sunday, July 24, 2011


Meet Melissa & Dave... I am lucky enough to have Missy as my sister in-law, but we just go as sisters! She is one of the most humble and giving people I know. She is smart, beautiful and so kind... she now has found someone deserving of all her qualities.. because he has them too!  I'm so happy for these two and we are so excited to have Dave join our family!  He recently went to New York with our whole family and traveling with anyone for a week lets you get to know the REAL them;) He still wants to be apart of our family so more power to him!

  It's in NY that he made it official when he puposed to Melissa in sacred grove... aww! I know, cute right! Melissa grew up visiting NY every summer and the Grove means a lot to her and he knew that so took her on a walk and decided to do it in the place that meant the most to her!  I photograph a lot of couples and honestly it's always fun, however it's rare you get a couple that is so very comfortable with each other and that go in their own little world while shooting and your just along for the ride:)  It was a pleasure!

We decided since their wedding date was going to be in four weeks since we got home we would take advantage of the INCREDIBLE SCENERY all around us in Rochester and do their enagements there!

Can I just say, i need to live there! I have never ever seen a prime shooting location on EVERY SINGLE corner as i did there! AW!

I tried and tried, but this is as {small} as I could get the post... waaay too many good ones:)


1 comment:

Sarah Evans said...

AMAZING job sista! I love them. You are so talented and such fun amazing poses. Way to go! Thanks for doing all this...I know you have a lot on your plate. You are a life saver for our family. You are home base to everyone and you do it with a smile. Loved seeing you in NY, but missed Mason and Aiden. Give them a hug and kiss from Aunt Sarah.