Thursday, November 18, 2010

{She's all grown up} tear......

The title might miss lead you not in the fact I felt "aw, she's all grown up" as I shot these pictures.... but that she's younger than me because to be exact she's three days older than me:)  This is Lael, known to me and many as Lilley, Lael Lou, Laeluber (yes, that came from me), etc.... and she is my husbands little sister.  We are only days apart however we've always had very different paths in life.. Me: Married, Kids.  Her: Mission, School. Both rewarding paths just different so it didn't ever really feel like we were the same age. Yet we still totally got along. I've looked up to her as well as felt the need to protect and take care of her.  To me she's my little/big sister:)  I love her dearly! I have always felt a connection with her from day one... okay maybe day two. The first day i met her i went to one of her college basket games and she was playing against one of their biggest rivals, and well she terrified me! Day two, I met one of the most genuine and accepting girls I've ever had the pleasure of knowing... lucky me she later became my sister. 

She has found that one that fits beside her perfectly. His name is Mike!  I was honored to do their engagments.  Do let these pictures fool you it was FREEZING!!! And their lucky because i still have California in my blood and I don't bare that kind of cold for just anybody;)  It was easier than feared because we had a whole crew with us: missy, em & ty (sister, sister & boyfriend to littlest sister and lets face it.... future inlaw himself:) yes, she'll kill me if she reads this... love you Em! to help warm up the shoot by never letting us stop laughing.  It was such a freezing fun Sunday!  I think they turned out so cute because they were so into each other.   Mike & Lilley you know how much we adore you both.  I wish the world for you two.

Can't wait to your wedding in January*

Here you go Sister, i know you've been waiting patiently so I uploaded extra for you:)

This was their idea of {engagement} photoshoot... :)

1 comment:

Sarah Evans said...

Good work Lacey! I love the poses. You are amazing and Lael and Mike look GREAT!!!!