Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stewart FaMiLy

This is Tami and her cute little family, Jay & Peyton.  Tam is my sister Jamie's very best friend, therefore she has become like another family member to me.  She is one of the most genuine and caring people I know. Jay is hilarious and peyton is SO cute and looks just like her Mommy:)  Tami's family is very special to me, they are going through the process to adopt for first time they really want a second child and are hoping to be blessed by adoption. Tams went through quite the journey to bring little Peyton into this world.  Lets just say we're very blessed they both made it. The whole time I was shooting their family I kept thinking how neat it was to see them where there at now, as a family.  Corny I know, but seeing Tami during her prengnancy was something I'll never forget. She made me really see that being pregnant (which I desperately wanted it at the time) wasn't always so easy. And that those who I thought were SO lucky to get pregnant had to go through extremely HARD times to become a mom too. Anyway Tam taught me a lot and I don't even think she knows it. I love her to death. She has been there for my sister in ways I can never thank her. It was my honor to do her photo's:)

1 comment:

The Tanners said...

Love these pics lac, Tami is so gorgeous!